Getting Premium and Latest Test Sockets

Getting Premium and Latest Test Sockets

Quality testing is necessary to ensure products meet the set specifications and regulations.  For all complex and small applications, technologically advanced devices should be used to provide testing solutions. TTS Group focuses on creating a wide range of tooling and test sockets and probes, all of which are diligently designed to help engineers maximize product performance reliability.

Getting to know more TTS Group Sockets

All the test sockets created and sold by TTS meet and exceed the set performance standards. The high-end design of the sockets guarantees effortless and smooth testing procedures.  TTS has maintained a good name in creating customers and partners with the most intelligent and operational solutions. These tooling and testing solutions are ideal for complex and detailed systems.

test socket

Choices of Sockets

TTS manufacturers and designs a whole variety of high-quality test sockets for use in many different applications.  Test sockets are created to rationalize design and connection processes in products.  As you all know, poor design and connection lead to low productivity. Since the products are streamlined and designed to be effective, they are safe and ideal for use by customers of all skill levels.

You can order many types of test sockets and solutions from TTS, all of which are ideal for use with different device package sizes and a range of applications. Outlined here are some of the best test socket solutions to consider.

  • Elastomer sockets
  • RF sockets
  • WLCSP sockets
  • CMOS sensor sockets

Most Innovative test Solutions

TTS Group has a wide-reaching reputation in the making and supply of technologically-rich and effective test tooling solutions.  TTS Group believes in creating high-end and precise products that help engineers to improve their productivity and achieve finer details on all products.  Dedicated to the creation of test sockets and other similar accessories, TTS aim to make your product testing endeavors a success.

One primary reason TTS Group stands out from the crowd is that they make high-value products and deliver premier services that are up to customer desires. No matter what sector of engineering you specialize in mostly, TTS Group is always ready to offer you the best products and solutions. They have all sorts of engineering and production test tooling solutions that range in variety and applications, so you can choose the best depending on your preferences. The buying process is as simple as filling out a quotation form and waiting for a response from the customer care team.


TTS Group is the ultimate destination for all engineers and servicemen looking for the latest and most efficient test tooling solutions. Having been operating since 1979, the TTS group has always focused on the provision of best products and services to help solve the most complex challenges regarding semiconductor tooling and testing. They’re the most innovative company you can always count on when you need to boost productivity and minimize issues with trial and error when dealing with semiconductor testing and tooling. Offering timely and quality services all the time, TTS Group has got you covered in all aspects regarding test sockets and tooling solutions.